Rabu, 01 Juni 2011 di 20.10 Diposting oleh Micha Angelo 0 Comments


Dokter bedah plastik paling terkenal di Brasil akan melakukan prosedur operasi kuno pada korban kecelakaan mobil tragis di Texas. Dokter ingin memberi hidung baru.
Jacqui Saburido (32) terbakar parah akibat tabrakan mobil yang terjadi saat ia mabuk dekat Lake Travis. Kemudian, Saburido melakukan prosedur Dr Ivo Pitanguy untuk mengubah kulit yang diambil dari dadanya menjadi hidung baru.
Pitanguy akan melakukan prosedur operasi yang digunakan selama Perang Dunia I yang sebenarnya memiliki dasar operasi ribuan tahun silam. “Kasus ini sangat parah. Kami mengalami keterbatasan. Kami akan melakukan yang terbaik,” ungkapnya di klinik Rio de Janeiro. "Operasi ini sedikit riskan namun kami berharap operasi ini akan sukses."
Mata, kelopak mata, telinga dan bibir Saburido terbakar saat kecelakaan tragis itu. Wanita malang ini mengaku optimis pada prosedur yang telah dilakukan ribuan tahun itu.


“Mudah-mudahan, operasi ini sukses. Hal ini benar-benar sulit bagi saya namun saya akan melakukannya sedikit demi sedikit,” kata Saburido. Pitanguy sendiri mengaku terkesan dengan semangat Saburido.[ram]



This young lady was recently on Oprah and what a loving, forgiving young woman she is ! An amazing story of what she has suffered and will bear the rest of her life. Please share this with your friends and especially your teenagers who are driving.

This is Jacqueline Saburido on September 19, 1999 ..

This is she and her Father, 1998.

Her Birthday party as a child.

At a party with friends.

The car in which Jacqueline traveled. She was hit by another car that was driven by a 17-year old male student on his way home after drinking a couple of hard packs with his friends.
This was in December 1999.

Jacqueline was caught in the burning car and her body was heavily burnt during around 45 seconds.
After the accident Jacqueline has needed over 40 operations.

With her Father, 2000.

Getting Treatment

Three months after accident

Without a left eyelid Jacquie needs eye drops to keep her vision.

Now 20 years old, he cannot forgive himself for driving drunk on that night three years ago.

He's aware of devastating Jacqueline Saburidos life.

Not everyone who gets hit with a car dies. This picture was taken 4 years after the accident and the doctors are still working on Jacqueline, whose body was covered with 60% severe burns.

Let's make as many people as we can aware of the consequences of drinking & driving.

sumber :http://teknologi.inilah.com/read/detail/1564792/prosedur-operasi-kuno-beri-wanita-ini-hidung-baru

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